
How To Test 1 Rep Max

one-RM Bench Press Test

This is a specific repetition maximum (RM) examination for the upper body, using the bench press practise. The one repetition maximum tests (1-RM) is a popular method of measuring isotonic muscle strength. It is a measure of the maximal weight a field of study can elevator with one repetition. You might want to pair this examination with the squat or deadlift lower torso max examination. See the general description of 1RM fettle tests.

purpose: to measure maximum strength of the chest muscle groups.

equipment required: Bench with safety, bar and various free weights.

pre-test: Explicate the test procedures to the field of study. Perform screening of wellness risks and obtain informed consent. Ready forms and record basic data such proper name, historic period, height, trunk weight, gender, exam atmospheric condition. Check equipment for rubber and calibrate if required. See more than details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The subject should perform an adequate warm up. An example would be to warm up with five-10 reps of a light-to-moderate weight, and then after a minute residue perform two heavier warm-up sets of ii-5 reps, with a two-infinitesimal remainder between sets. The subject should and so rest 2 to four minutes, and then perform the i-rep-max try with proper technique. If the lift is successful, residual for another ii to four minutes and increase the load five-x%, and attempt another lift. If the subject fails to perform the elevator with right technique, balance two to four minutes and attempt a weight 2.5-five% lower. Keep increasing and decreasing the weight until a maximum left is performed. Choice of the starting weight is crucial and so that the maximum lift is completed within approximately five attempts later on the warm-upward sets. Encounter the Bench Press Example Videos.

Bench Press Testscoring: the maximum weight lifted is recorded. To standardize the score it may be useful to calculate a score proportional to the person'southward bodyweight. The sequence of lifts should likewise be recorded as these can be used in subsequent tests to aid in determining the starting lifts. See the table for general guidelines for interpreting the results. These ratings are for both males and females - as females are more often than not a smaller frame, in that location are expected to elevator a lower bodily weight to score an boilerplate rating etc. These scores are based on my personal experiences. There are besides some athlete results for this test and a calculator to estimate 1RM.

1 Rep Max Bench Press Tabular array for adults
(weight lifted per bodyweight)
Rating Score (per body weight)
First-class > 1.lx
Good 1.30 - 1.60
Average 1.15 - i.29
Beneath Average one.00 - 1.xiv
Poor 0.91 - 0.99
Very Poor < 0.90

advantages: the required equipment is readily available in most gymnasiums, and the test is simple to perform.

disadvantages: This test should simply exist performed by those experienced at performing the bench press lift with practiced technique. Practiced technique will also enable the lifter to maximize their score.

comments: For safety, a lookout man should stand up at the head of the bench throughout the exam. The results of this test may be specific to the equipment used (height of demote, variations in weights), so is best to use the same equipment for test-retest measures. The warm up procedure should also be recorded and repeated with farther testing. If whatever variation in technique was allowed, this should be recorded on the results sheet for referral when the test is repeated. The test is likewise called ane rep max, 1-RM, and one repetition maximum.

variations / modifications: Sometimes a 3 or five repetition maximum is used, particularly for less experienced lifters. These greater reps would crave less weight and may be considered less dangerous. Changing the number of repetition also changes the muscle energy systems and validity of this test.

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Related Pages

  • A calculator to estimate 1RM.
  • More than virtually Bench Press Fettle Testing
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  • Come across video examples of bench printing testing in action.
  • Some athletes results for the 1RM Bench Printing
  • General clarification of 1RM fitness tests
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